Summary for Schools


Bullying has been identified as a significant problem among school-aged children. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance of 2015, middle school students reported being bullied at least once a week; the highest rate of bullying (25%) among public schools. Moreover 20% of high school students reported being bullied on school property and 16% reported that they have been cyberbullied in the past year. While any individual might be a target of bullying, students with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be victimized than their typical peers. Moreover, individuals with disabilities tend to experience bullying in a more chronic manner when compared to their typical peers. Research suggests that the lack of participation of children with disabilities in general education, athletic programs, and mainstream educational clubs and organizations exacerbates the situation since it perpetuates a lack of understanding and interaction among students with and without disabilities. Peer interactions and relationships are critical ingredients for developing social skills during childhood.


WHat the REALABILITIES Curriculum Includes


Efficacy Testing 

Each school that purchases the Realabilities Curriculum has the opportunity to participate in curriculum efficacy testing. A pre and post test (preview below) is given to the students before and after they engage in an element of the curriculum. Efficacy testing is a essential component for our research team, since this testing has enabled our team to further develop and enhance the curriculum. In addition, previous results from efficacy testing have been featured in numerous publications and presentations. Each class and student participant that completes the Realabilities Educational Curriculum receives a certification of completion!